Title: Pink Floyd The Dark Side
Content Type: Documentary
Release Date: 1996
Age Rating: Exempt
Runtime: 42mins
Media Type: VHS UK PAL
Label: Picture Profiles
Back Of Box Description:
The Interview Sessions have been carefully compiled from rare and private footage of many collectors world wide. The vast majority is of a high quality including many unseen and historically important decisions that affected a bands career and direction, both musically and of a personal nature.
Any collection that naturally represents a true reflection of an artists highs and lows will differ in quality depending on the recording equipment available at the time. So as a collector please allow for this. We do however assure you that every modern day technique has been used in ensuring high quality viewing on the latest equipment, whilst maintaining the natural atmosphere and warmth of the original tapes.
My Notes:
This is one of the best "cheap" documentary's that's been made, It features a lot of footage and pictures along with interviews with the actual band as well as the critics (unlike many of the dvd's today that just interview people who write for magazines or work in studios) It talks about syd and the final break up, gilmour also kinda shows a little sadness that rogers gone. All in all for its time & its price this was a great video.
It was on sale in "Music Zone" in the uk and was bought on the 22nd of February 2000
for £5.99. If anyone recognizes the screen shots and can pinpoint if theirs been an official dvd release of this.. please post a link in the comments below ;)
Can be used for eBay and other Retail Sites |
Can be used for eBay and other Retail Sites |
Can be used for eBay and other Retail Sites |
This Random Bar-code was on the Tapes Flap
034815 87290 H KCC 0488 004121
Screen Shots:
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Wish to be a dvd release too! amazing doc