Saturday, 14 September 2013

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Record Collector Magazine August 2013

Title: Record Collector

Content Type: Magazine
Release Date: August 2013
Age Rating: Exempt
Pages: 6 Page Feature

UPC: 9770261250186
ASIN: ??????

(c) 2013 Diamond Publishing

 Great magazine feature based on some new demo's from the early days.
This 6 page feature also boasts some old photos and a list of collectables of a sort.

It has a guide for LP's & Singles along with their release year, serial, branding and the current price rate for that specific item. The magazine is on sale NOW  (August 2013)  so unlike many of my previous blog posts.. this piece of merchandise is on sale right now in stores....

Monday, 1 July 2013

Time at the helm.. Time Parody

Time at the helm..

When your on the deck.. catch up with the sun in your waders... 
Their goes nick.. throwing up over the stern again...
The trip is the same in a relative way.. but without wings.. 
closer to popeye.. even though i got a delmonte hat...
Every fish is lookin crispy.. but we forgot to bring the chips...
I got place and ricks got cod, but where's the pees you silly sod,
and now the sauce is it seams all gone, but hey who cares lets sail on..
set the control's for the heart of the sun.. (guitar fiddly bit)..
quick grab the flare gun... guitar solo... lolz

Theirs a Star Fish on drums.. and an octopus on the piano..
The blue whale is singing and sea horses they are on backing mic's

maybe i'll finish that one day lmao

Saturday, 22 June 2013

An Improvisation Dedicated To Pink Floyd

Please remember to rate it below..

Pink Floyd Advert Spotify

You may of noticed a couple of google add's at the bottom of this blog.

I noticed today that we have been honoured with an official Pink Floyd Advert for Spotify.

Shine On.....

And Another one shown today (24 June 2013)

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Picture Profiles File 05 Pink Floyd Shine On (VHS)

Title: Pink Floyd Shine On
Content Type: Documentary
Release Date: 1997
Age Rating: Exempt

Runtime: 47mins

Media Type:

Label: Picture Profiles

Back Of Box Description:


My Notes:

This is another one of the best "cheap" documentary's that's been made, It features a lot of footage and pictures along with interviews with the actual band as well as the critics (unlike many of the dvd's today that just interview people who write for magazines or work in studios) 
It was on sale in "Music Zone" in the uk and was bought on the 22nd of February 2000
for £5.99.  If anyone recognizes the screen shots and can pinpoint if theirs been an official dvd release of this.. please post a link in the comments below ;)
It opens up with interviews on the steps of earls court during the Division Bell Tour and also shows interviews with roger, old footage and interviews in b/w and colour.


UK PAL VHS Box Cover

VHS Label Reverse Side

This Random Bar-code was on the Tapes Flap

Its Been Pealed Off



Screen Shots:



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